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The Firebird Suite

It's all about words, and what they do.
My Web Site My Band The Vaults Write, don't Spam

Tuesday, October 26, 2004 :::


The word strikes fear into the hearts of even the unwary.

50,000 words? In 30 days? You must be crazy.

Well, yes. But here I go.

::: posted by Evie at 3:12 PM

Tuesday, November 04, 2003 :::

Word count: 550


::: posted by Evie at 2:06 PM

Monday, November 03, 2003 :::

In celebration of NaNoWriMo '03, we have a new entry.

I seem to stay current on livejournal, but not here. Central source and all that.

So here will appear excerpts from the new novel, as it emerges.

Fear and trepidation, be far from me!

::: posted by Evie at 12:10 PM

Sunday, February 02, 2003 :::

So I haven't touched this blog in over two months. But it's a new year, and I'm looking for motivation to continue writing this novel that I started on Nov. 1st.

And that's about all for now.

::: posted by Evie at 9:21 AM

Saturday, November 30, 2002 :::

Word Count: 37,687

I have thrown my hands up in defeat and slept the nap of surrender.

It was a good nap.

Honestly, though, I think I've come to terms with the idea that I'm not going to write another 13,000 words between tonight and midnight. I'm going to try to get to 40k and call it a good effort.

I've learned a lot about what I'm capable of when pushed to the wall. And what I'm not. There's something bitter about coming to terms with ones limits, but at the same time it's incredibly liberating. I can honestly say I put forth my best effort and I'm not capable of writing 5,000 words in a day. But I can produce 2000 words in a day, and that's something I didn't know about myself before I started.

And I have 37,000 more words done on this story than I did at the beginning of the month. That's progress!

I'll post a final count before midnight. And maybe one more excerpt if I can find one that doesn't suck too badly.

Thus ends

::: posted by Evie at 3:28 PM

Friday, November 29, 2002 :::

Word count: 35,051

If I can do another 5,000 words today that will make 10,000 words for the day: a personal milestone. And it will leave me with 10,000 words to write tomorrow. And I will finish!

It seems stupid, in a way, that I've become so attached to finishing this thing. I know the story is crap, but I want that "I'm a Winner" icon. So here I go. Deep breath, and dive back in...

::: posted by Evie at 6:52 PM

Wednesday, November 27, 2002 :::

word count: 27825

So I seem to have been dragged down the dark alley of research, where I was mugged and left for dead.

I'm like this with dictionaries as well. I go there to look up one word - just one word! - and I find myself three hours later reading about things I've never heard of before. You know what happens when you search the web for "real vampires"? The same damn thing. The worst thing is that it's entirely peripheral to my story. Gah. If you want to know what I finally found, Google this: "sanguinarian"

I'm just an information junkie.

In other news, I've just realized I've introduced the villain way too soon. Time to re-order scenes. And I have about 82 hours to write 20,000 words. Eeep! Now, I think, would be a good time to panic. (But only if it gives me energy to write.)

::: posted by Evie at 1:52 PM

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